
My Beeping 2Touch IWB

Your 2Touch IWB is equipped with a simple buzzer which emits tones depending on certain conditions.   There are two normal operating conditions in which you should hear tones from your 2Touch iwb: Calibration tones: When calibrating, a high tone indicates that the calibration mode has been launched, and a low tone indicates the calibration mode […]

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A new browser-enabled whiteboarding solution from Xorro 

The same team that developed 2Touch Workbook has now produced a fresh perspective on whiteboarding software. The new solution will run in any browser supported by Mac or Windows, making this very easily deployed and accessed. It can run off-line too, however but the new solution’s browser parentage offers many benefits around integrating web based content into activities. Early adopters are called upon to register their interest in the beta program leading up to full release of this solution.

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