Manzana Tips and Tricks #5: Pull tabs and Question tabs

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Pull tabs/Question tabs video

Techniques used in creating pull and question tabs

  • Ordering
  • Grouping
  • Hide and reveal
  • Use of images, lines and text

Pull tabs are a way of hiding an object or question from the students. The idea is to hide the object/question behind either another related object or off the side of the screen. Attached to the hidden object is a ‘pull tab’ which the students can pull (drag) to expose the attached object or question.

Main image: a Person Pull tabs: Lungs, Liver, heart, etc..
Main image: a car Pull tabs: steering wheel, car keys, etc..

Questions tabs

Easy to create questions tabs involve taking an image and a piece of text (question), grouping them together and then hiding the text off the side of the page.

To create a question tab:

  • Import a picture
  • Create a text box and write the question into it
  • Move the text to the soon to be ‘hidden area’ of the image (if you can’t see the text click on the image, head to order and select ‘send to back’)
  • Select both the text and image
  • Group them together
  • Move the image to the side of the page and hide the text area off the page.